Sunday, April 30, 2006

Loose Screw #1

For our first lie from the movie "Loose Change", midway through this farce, in an illogical attempt to prove that a crashing airplane could not have caused the World Trade Centers to collapse, the movie claims a B-52 crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945 without causing a collapse.

This is quite an accomplishment since the B-52 is a giant bomber with 8 engines, that did not fly until 1954, nearly nine years later.

The bomber that crashed into the Empire State Building was in fact a much smaller B-25 bomber that was lost in the fog. Well, maybe our filmmakers are just verbally dyslexic? So bad fact checking aside, how is this relevant? Well let us look:

33,000 lbs normally loaded
974 gallon fuel load
230 MPH cruising speed

450,000 lbs maximum takeoff weight
23,980 gallon fuel load
530 MPH cruising speed

Using the formula, F=MA, which any high school physics student should know, which of the two airplanes would have caused more damage upon impact? Discuss among yourselves


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